Monday, August 13, 2007

14 Days- Day 1

Okay, explanation is due. I have two weeks of vacation starting today and 7 things to accomplish within them. The idea is to do one every two days, but seeing their varying degrees of bigness, some make take more time and some, less.
  1. Clean living space.
  2. Write subplot to novel.
  3. Finish Dragon*Con cosplay costume. *DORK ALERT*
  4. Read mother's novel.
  5. Master the Office Theme, Into the West and Sonatina on piano.
  6. Holly Lisle fast plotting for 07 NaNoWriMo.
  7. Switch to Dvorak keyboard layout.

Two of them are completed- my house is now tidy (and already slipping) and my aunt VERY generously offered to finish my outfit. I can't read my mom's novel until she finishes editing it, and I needed notecards to do #6. Wanting to delay any piano-playing for as long as possible and trying to break my QWERTY bonds, I went after the layout switch today, before I work on my subplot.

I didn't get a chance to work on it until, say, 5 PM. I slept in until 2 (an all-time low. I'm on vacation, people!) and, called Miri and watched some TV. (What was I thinking? Gah.) At any rate, I've been using KP Typing Tutor and learning all kinds of new letter placements since then. I only have a few letters left to learn, too, and I typed a short paragraph with little/no pain. Not bad, I suppose... but it needs to be better.

"But, Ink, you have two days, and keyboard changes take weeks to get used to!" you say. As for the former, no, I don't- tomorrow I'm helping my grandmother. (Just what I want to do on vacation. No, really. She's cool.) And the latter... well, I feel special like that. It's coming along well, I might get off easy.

So, I'll learn a few more letters and switch the keys to finalize the transaction when I'm done writing this. No looking back- just dread for the future. Yay!


Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

Holy CRAP!

Learning a DVORAK keyboard is the coolest self-improvement project I've ever heard!

I can't imagine.

Good luck, Inky!

Ink Johnson said...

Thanks, Dwight- I'm going really slowly, but it's amusing. I just typed "slowry." Yay Japanesisms!