Thursday, April 01, 2010

Name That Injustice, Episode 1

April is the cruelest month, and we're celebrating! We figure, our readers are an intelligent, well-read, socially aware group of fine upstanding world citizens, so we present a game we like to call Name That Injustice. We give you a list of famous injustices and incidents in the last sixty years of American history, and you give us the names! Simple enough?

And, of course, what's any game without prizes? The commenter who answers the most of these correctly gets a sidebar shoutout to their very own blog or webpage for the entire month of April (spambots need not apply). All answers should be in English and fairly close to correctly punctuated (if you value your soul). Comments close Sunday afternoon - late Sunday afternoon, if we're feeling merciful.

You've probably seen references to many of these instances on TV. Such a sad state of world affairs, isn't it?

1. Authority figures mocked by unwashed masses, who are rewarded for this behavior. Most egregious offense included a lifeguard being deceived by the children he was sworn to protect.

2. Bird trained to belittle mental illness and support substance abuse in minors.

3. Children rewarded for neglect and animal cruelty.

4. Recent immigrant to America harassed and chased, deprived of his only beloved possession, a talisman from the Old World.

5. Elderly, flamboyant ex-Navy officer leads children into life of piracy and crime.

Good luck!


The Old Man said...

I'd guess #4 is "An American Tale" and #5 is "Peter Pan" but quien sabe?

Okie said...

Cool contest/idea....I'll have to give them more thought. I see where the previous poster is going, and that makes the rest all the more interesting. :)

Amy said...

I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!

Unknown said...

#1--No More Baths? I remember watching that movie as a kid and finding it completely stupid. My parents would have said "Uh-huh, no," and I would have been forced to take a shower. I don't remember if there's a lifeguard in it, though...

Ink Johnson said...

The Old Man: Yay, you win! You didn't get any right, but by guessing more than anyone else, you get our fabulous prize! Let us know what blog you want us to advertise and in what month. :)

The injustices were all commercials for children's cereal.

1. Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
2. Cocoa Puffs
3. Trix
4. Lucky Charms
5. Cap'n Crunch

Happy April Fools! In June.