Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Freudian Slips

Hey, I'm back! (Briefly. With 1 observation)

One of the fun things about Dvorak is that you can make typos that look real, but aren't. In this last sentence, I got rean, thot, and oen. And my conlanging senses, long dormant, are tingling. (Tinglingt, even.)

So, while I was writing something about a rather raw but highly amusing guy, I wanted to type (tyle) the word "all." In interests of taste (tatse), I wound (worg) up with another (antor, anthore) 3-letter word that began with A.



Dwight's Writing Manifesto said...

Dude. You alive? My RSS feed is getting dusty.

Ink Johnson said...

Sorry, Dwight.

Don't worry, I'll be giving this blog some TLC during the month of December.