Thursday, June 14, 2007


Okay, I know how to do the regular [ u r l = http . website . com ] here [ / u r l ], but it doesn't seem to work in either the 'compose' tab or the 'edit html' tab. What gives?

Anyway, I ask because Miri, ( was kind to the point of untruthfulness, and I'm really touched. Thanks.

(and, hopefully, maybe next time I'll manage to write an entry that doesn't have to do with Miri/a contest Miri introduced me to. Independence calls!)


Miri said...
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Miri said...

Messed up in that other one. What I meant to say was:

That's because the blogs run on actual HTML. < a spacehere h r e f = " http:// www . website . com " > here < / a > .


Ink Johnson said...

So it's like this?